Tom Gallagher
Kilcar Development, LLC
Managing Principal
Contact: tgallagher@kilcardevelopment.com
As an attorney and multi-disciplined real estate professional with 28 years of experience, Tom has successfully navigated all aspects of the real estate development process. Having served in both general counsel and senior development roles, he possesses a unique skill set that enables him to discern all aspects of a real estate project and then develop innovative approaches that focus on execution, maximizing value and minimizing risk. Prior experience includes leading development of a $240 million mixed-use project that included retail, entertainment, hotel and multi-family components and the development of multiple master planned communities. Additionally, Tom has unique insight and expertise in the inherent challenges and risks associated with real estate development having successfully completed a multi-year engagement and work-out of a distressed asset portfolio for a large U.S. life company that consisted of fifteen properties spread across five states. With his legal and development expertise, Tom is well-versed in negotiating and implementing purchase and sale agreements, easements, CCRs, zoning, finance and construction documents. Over the course of his career Tom has managed a multitude of environmental challenges and has been successful in securing “no further\ requirements” determinations from the EPA, MDE, VDEQ and DNREC. As an experienced real estate professional, Tom has been instrumental in the delivery of developments, redevelopments, and transactions worth in excess of $900 million.